Deputy Prime Minister Balluku inspects the National Traffic Monitoring Center -

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Bulevardi "Dëshmoret e Kombit",
Pallati i Kongreseve, Kati ll,
Tiranë, Shqipëri.


Bulevardi "Dëshmoret e Kombit",
Pallati i Kongreseve, Kati ll,
Tiranë, Shqipëri.

Deputy Prime Minister Balluku inspects the National Traffic Monitoring Center

The National Traffic Monitoring Center is now finishing the installation of computer systems that will allow 24/7 surveillance of important national roads. Initially, monitoring will cover the first 200 kilometers, including the Tirana-Elbasan route, the entire stretch from Tirana to Vlorë, and the Vorë to “Mother Teresa” Airport segment, with further expansion to additional road segments.

This center will employ staff from the Albanian Road Authority, the Road Transport Services, the State Police, the Ministry of Defense, the National Agency for Information Society, and the National Emergency Service, who will process real-time data from cameras installed at critical points along the roadways.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure and Energy, Belinda Balluku, along with Gentian Gjyli, Director of Albanian Road Authority, closely monitored the work so far at the center.

Balluku described the National Traffic Monitoring Center as one of the most important and innovative projects, involving several Albanian state agencies, with a focus on improving road safety parameters. Approximately 200 employees will be part of this center, overseeing the country’s roadways in real-time.

“The National Traffic Monitoring Center is a new hub that will include four of the main ministries with their respective agencies affecting Albanian road traffic, as well as other components related to road safety. It is a model center, which will control traffic on national routes. We have started with the first 200 kilometers, focusing on the most important routes,” Balluku stated.

The data managed by this center, Balluku added, will also serve as a guide for future road infrastructure projects and will identify areas needing intervention to improve safety parameters.

“All processes here will serve as a guide based on reports, data, and facts to enhance the quality of our road system and, on the other hand, improve the work of operational units, whether they are traffic police or regional directorates. We have several important components here that will aid in our efforts to increase road safety and make proper investments to address issues within the current road system,” Balluku continued.

Albanian Road Authority Director Gjyli announced that with the completion of the computer systems installation, the testing phase for the National Traffic Monitoring Center, as well as the cameras to be installed on roadways (approximately 150), will begin. “We have completed the construction of the building. Currently, we are on-site installing cameras and VMS signs along the first 200 kilometers to inform citizens about traffic. In the first quarter of the coming year, we will enter the testing phase for all equipment and the National Traffic Monitoring Center,” Gjyli said.

In addition to work on the center’s building, efforts are also underway on the road segments where the cameras and monitors will be placed.

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